Measurement and Reality: Reflections for a Realistic Economics


  • Octavio Groppa Universidad Católica de Salta




The work constitutes a general exposition of the economic circulation analysis elaborated by B. Lonergan. Departing from different philosophical assumptions than those implicit in dominant economic theory, this author developed a systemic approach to the economic problem, which reveals certain insufficiencies in current economic measurement. As a matter of fact, when fundamental categories of analysis change, so do the variables of interest. In the first section, the gnoseological and epistemological assumptions developed by this author are exposed. These foundations allow us to recognize with better clarity the weak basis of current approaches. After a brief enumeration of some of the critiques posed to the current paradigm by diverse authors, the general lines of the scheme proposed by Lonergan are exposed.


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How to Cite

Groppa, O. (2019). Measurement and Reality: Reflections for a Realistic Economics. Cultura Económica, 28(79), 11–21. Retrieved from