Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil: Evolution, Trends and Concerns over Critical Infrastructure
Inversión extranjera directa, infraestructura crítica, tecnologías sensibles, cribado de inversiones, Brasil-ChinaAbstract
As a part of the massive outflow of Chinese foreign direct investment observed in the past two decades, Brazil has emerged as a top recipient of Chinese FDI and central piece for China’s food and energy security strategies. However, Chinese SOE’s acquisitions of critical infrastructure and sensitive technologies have raised concerns worldwide over potential national security risks. In this context, this article aims to (i) analyze the evolution of Chinese FDI in Brazil since 2010, identifying its main drivers and trends, and to (ii) survey the global trend towards strengthening screening mechanisms for FDI, under national security grounds – identifying its implications for Brazil’s investment policy. In the context of U.S.-China trade war and technological rivalry, it is argued that restrictive measures on FDI have been characterized by a blurring between realistic risk assessment and geopolitical interests.Downloads
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How to Cite
de Barros Torres, G. (2020). Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil: Evolution, Trends and Concerns over Critical Infrastructure. Colección, 31(1), 17–36. Retrieved from