In defense of the principles of Natural Law


  • Daniel Alejandro Herrera Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


Palabras clave:

Ley natural, Constructivismo, Neoconstitucionalismo, Primera ratio, Última ratio


Abstract: This article aims to defend the principles of Natural Law (legal connotations of natural law) using dialectics (and rhetoric). First, different contemporary currents (constructivist and neo-constitutionalist) are approached distinguishing between principles and rules or norms. As for these “principles”, there are different problems to justify them rationally, being in many cases mere postulates that are proclaimed to justify the entire structure of later action. Finally, we deal with the principles of Natural Law immediately grasped (by abstractive induction) of reality, by reason of their evidence (the predicate is contained in the subject) by practical moral reason (first ratio), founded on human nature, in the very human essence as the principle of its operations, known by the metaphysical speculative reason (last ratio).             




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Biografía del autor/a

Daniel Alejandro Herrera, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Profesor Titular Ordinario de Filosofía del Derecho y Director de la Carrera de Abogacía, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 


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Cómo citar

Herrera, D. A. (2020). In defense of the principles of Natural Law. Prudentia Iuris, 47–61.



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