Classroom motivational climate. In search of nuances


  • Helga Elliff UCA
  • Juan Antonio Huertas Dpto. de Psicología Básica. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


educational psychology, motivation, classroom motivational climate, methodological convergence


Studying motivation for learning requires considering what happens on the interactions that occur in the classroom and the scholar context. We present the background to classroom motivational climate construct and the development of theoretical models that sought the relation between the social climate and theories of goal orientation. We offer a study proposal, in search of nuances, that pretend the methodological convergence of in-depth interviews with a interviews with a new model questionnaire.


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Author Biography

Helga Elliff, UCA

Lic. en Psicología (UCA); Mg. En Psicología Cognitiva y Aprendizaje (Facultad Latinoamericana de Cs Sociales); Dra. En Psicología (U. Autónoma de Madrid).


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How to Cite

Elliff, H., & Huertas, J. A. (2019). Classroom motivational climate. In search of nuances. Revista De Psicología, 11(21), 61–74. Retrieved from


