The Evangelizing Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Magisterium of Pope Francis


  • Miguel Delgado Galindo Consejo Pontificio para los Laicos


Francisco, Evangelización, Fieles Laicos, Iglesia, Mundo,


The Magisterium of Pope Francis during the first three years of his pontificate, particularly the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii gaudium, contains many references to the vocation and evangelising mission of the lay faithful in the Church and in the world. The process of an ‘outward moving’ Church in which Francis encourages us requires a renewed understanding of the specific vocation of the lay faithful, and also being able to understand the world as the theological locus of the laity. 


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Biografia Autor

Miguel Delgado Galindo, Consejo Pontificio para los Laicos

Subsecretario del Consejo Pontificio para los Laicos



Como Citar

Delgado Galindo, M. (2016). The Evangelizing Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Magisterium of Pope Francis. Teología, 53(121), 111–126. Obtido de