The IIº Vatican Council: Remembrance and Updating


  • Santiago Madrigal Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Memoria, Presente, Actualización, Desafíos, Renovación


Resuming the proposal of his 2002 book, Vaticano II: Remembranza y Actualización, and focusing on the subject of the Conference of the Centenary, that is, the Council seen from the standpoint of the memory, the present, and the perspectives which open on to the future, professor Madrigal suggests in this lecture an exercise of memory, an attempt to give answers to the issues that must be updated, and to face the challenge of Pope Francis: “How to go on?” These questions are unraveled in four stages: 1) The theological reality of the conciliar institution; 2) The systematization or essential interpretation of the conciliar doctrine; 3) The historical significance of the Vatican II as a renovation movement; 4) Lines of updating for a relaunch of the reception of the Council.


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Como Citar

Madrigal, S. (2015). The IIº Vatican Council: Remembrance and Updating. Teología, 52(117), 131–163. Obtido de