Presbístero Manuel Maximiliano Alberti (1763-1811) Párroco de San Nicolás de Bari y vocal de la Primera Junta. En el bicentenario de su muerte
Manuel Maximiliano Alberti, Primera Junta, Invasiones inglesas, Iglesia de la Compañía, Revolución de Mayo, Mariano Moreno, Deán Funes, Cornelio SaavedraResumo
The article presents the various steps that shaped the paths of this patriot priest in the early hours of the movement for Independence. It highlights both the values of his ministerial performance as his social and political ascen- dancy in the atmosphere of Buenos Aires, with the proper perspective of the Enlightenment ideals of his time and particularly during the curate at St. Nicholas of Bari, the second largest parish in the city. With well-documented information the author narrates his birth and his education beginning starting with his humanistic studies, the years dedicated to the pastoral office in Buenos Aires and Maldonado (Uruguay) in the time of the British invasions; his ministry at St. Nicholas of Bari during the May Revolution and his underta- king for the patriot cause starting with his participation in the “Cabildo Abierto” of the 22 of May, and his incorporation as a member of the “Primera Junta”. The values highlighted in this journey through the life and work of this patriot priest are: honest commitment, integrity and attitude of service without reservations from within public office.Downloads
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Como Citar
Durán, J. G. (2020). Presbístero Manuel Maximiliano Alberti (1763-1811) Párroco de San Nicolás de Bari y vocal de la Primera Junta. En el bicentenario de su muerte. Teología, 48(105), 193–210. Obtido de
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