Notas sobre la influencia de las ideas políticas españolas en la Argentina. Siglo XIX


  • Miguel Ángel De Marco Academia Nacional de la Historia. Argentina


Cadiz’s Court, Generation of 1937, Constitution of 1853, Spanish republicans exile


Despite the diffi culties to draw a clear scene of the political infl uence of Spain in Argentina, there is no doubt that the debates in Cadiz’s Court and the Constitution proclaimed by it were a normative source for the argentine governments that followed the Revolution of 1810. The end of the independence war generated a process of rupture and forgiveness; but in spite of this, some of the members of the so called “Generation of the ‘37” –like Alberdi– appreciated the ideas of some contemporary Spanish authors. While in Argentina the discussions about the organization of a Central State had ended long time ago, in Spain they were still debating some perspectives while they were moving from monarchy to the republic and then from the latest towards the borbonic restoration. Nevertheless, the presence of the republicans in exile in Buenos Aires infl uenced the generation of new political trends such as socialism.


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How to Cite

De Marco, M. Ángel. (2008). Notas sobre la influencia de las ideas políticas españolas en la Argentina. Siglo XIX. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (12), 53–65. Retrieved from


