Bioethics at High School: teaching from problema or dilema based learning and the pedagogical model of integrated curriculum


  • Mg. Prof. Carmen Ederle Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay


Providing training in bioethics to students at the high school based on the selection of thematic cores to be addressed from an interdisciplinary perpective, is an opportunity to introduce knowledge of this science into the comprehensive training of student so that Bioethics forms parto the scool curriculum, not as an annex, buet as a transversal axis that informs all school work. The education approach in bioethics is guided by the Integrated Curriculum model together with a didactic methodology based on the principle of using problems and dilemas as a starting point such as the Learning of Bioethics Based on Problems (ABBP), combined with a bioethical análisis metodology: the Triangular method.

Keywords: Bioethics – IntegratedCurriculum – Interdisplinary –Problem Based Learning


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Author Biography

Mg. Prof. Carmen Ederle, Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay

Profesora de Enseñanza Superior en Ciencias Naturales (Universidad de Concepción del Uruguay- Argentina). Magister en Ética Biomédica (UCA). Miembro del Comité de Bioética del Hospital Materno Infantil “San Roque” de la ciudad de Paraná, Provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina. Directora del Instituto
de Bioética “Jerome Lejeune” de la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe (período 2011-2019).



How to Cite

Ederle, M. P. C. (2023). Bioethics at High School: teaching from problema or dilema based learning and the pedagogical model of integrated curriculum. Vida Y Ética, 25(1), 35–50. Retrieved from