On the fortieth anniversary of Laborem Exercens: the spirituality of work


  • Horacio Rodríguez-Penelas Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina






This year (2021) Pope Francis beatified Cardinal Stephan Wyszynski on september 12th, two days before Laborem Exercens fortieth anniversary. This essay presents some aspects of the book El espíritu del trabajo (The spirit of work) written by cardinal Wyszynski, published in Spanish in 1958, to show its influence in Laborem Exercens contents. Effectively, considering the close relationship between Wyszynski and Wojtyla, better known as John Paul II, results of a special importance to show how much has influenced the poland primate in the Pope. Christianity brought the real elevation of human work according to human dignity, in which, work finds the sources of its own dignity: being an action produced by human intelligence and will. This is the first step to develop the idea of a work ethos referred to human person as image and resemblance of God. Work contributes to the whole development of human person through the perfecting of rational nature. The meaning of work as participation in God’s labour creation is understood as man’s cooperation in His creative labour. Work is also an effective way to approach to God, as Christ has shown himself working with Joseph, at the point of being considered the son of the carpenter. Before original sin work provided only satisfaction and joy, but after it, effort and pain appeared. This is connected with the importance of work as a way of sanctification and salvation for men, aspect specially considered in order to show the redemptive value of human work.


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Francisco (2013). Evangelii Gaudium.

Juan Pablo II (1981). Laborem Exercens. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Paulinas.

Ratzinger, J. (2005). La Iglesia, una comunidad siempre en camino. Buenos Aires: San Pablo.

Villain, J. (1957). La enseña social de la Iglesia. Madrid: Aguilar.

Wyszynski, S. (1958). El espíritu del trabajo. Madrid: Rialp.



How to Cite

Rodríguez-Penelas, H. (2021). On the fortieth anniversary of Laborem Exercens: the spirituality of work. Cultura Económica, 39(102), 119–141. https://doi.org/10.46553/cecon.39.102.2021.p119-141