The project of a personalist economy


  • Luk Bouckaert Universidad Católica de Lovaina


subjective preferences, basic needs, ethical commitment, trust, economic democracy


Luk Bouckaert, a Professor at the Catholic University of Louvain, presents in this article the characteristics of what he calls a personalist economy. While there are a number of authors who have supported personalism, there are also attempts of many economists who not
explicitly adopting this name, could be related to this school of thought. This philosophical tradition is essentially based on a vision of the human being as a person, depending on four key assumptions: the recognition of basic needs, the ethical commitment, mutual trust
as the basis for the market economy and economic democracy as the touchstone of business ethics.


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How to Cite

Bouckaert, L. (2019). The project of a personalist economy. Cultura Económica, 26(71), 8–19. Retrieved from