The instrumentalization of Myth. Aspects about the colapse of Dorian Oligarchies in Archaic Peloponnesus.


  • Dante Avalle Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster


myth, oligarchy, tyranny, law


This Work will try to clear some aspects about the exploit of myths as an instrument of political legitimization, taking as example the fall of the doric oligarchies in Corinth and Sycion about 650 b. C. Following the mythology, the dorians, in their character as Heraclids, raised as the dominating group at the end of the bronze era after the submission of the peloponessian aborigines and buildings an oligarchic mastery. Mid of the 7th. century, the predorian population gave a violent end to the ruling oligarchs groups. These rebels used their mythical past to justify their position as new dinastic rulers. In this sence, the mythological transmission will be unterstood as a medium of historical argumentation in the archaic world. This hypothesis will be founded over an analysis around the facts that gave an end to the oligarchs rulers in this region of the Peloponnese. 


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How to Cite

Avalle, D. (2020). The instrumentalization of Myth. Aspects about the colapse of Dorian Oligarchies in Archaic Peloponnesus. De Rebus Antiquis, (5), 16–29. Retrieved from


