The princeps Augustus and his trajectory in Roman power: considerations on his imperium and tribunicia potestas functions (I BCE – I CE)
Princeps Augustus, Imperium, Tribunicia PotestasAbstract
The actions of the princeps Augustus were accepted insofar as he maintained an appearance in his political trajectory concerning his behavior and respect for traditional values, making them public knowledge, as well as refraining from offending the political course and memory of the oldest citizens of Rome. Thus, it is essential to take into consideration the levels we are analyzing. After all, we detect fissures, innovations and continuities when carrying out a temporal cut, as some mutations can occur slower than others using societal traditions. In research involving a transitional period, such as the Augustan Principate, we must beware of binary opposition relations and, thus, invest in reflexive categories that allow us to obtain a conjunctural view of society. In our conception, two political keys were important for Augustus to ensure his governability: respect for tradition and political-social prestige. In this sense, we will discuss the imperium and tribunicia potestas functions for the augustan legitimacy.Downloads
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