Problems about the utilization of the world "ley" in alfonsine Setenario and its relationship with the purpose of the book


  • Diana Albornoz Universidad de Buenos Aires


Alfonso X, Setenario, Word “ley”


Being considered a legislative text subordinated to the Partida I, theorists as well as its only editor have taken the Setenario of Alfonso X the Wise as a mere draft of the famous Alfonsine Codex. The present paper will analyze the relationship between the purpose of the text and the philosophical, astrological, and religious matter organized in it. This relationship unveils a persuasive intention completely absent in the Partida I: The Setenario claims to provide the necessary arguments for the proof of the truth of the Catholic Faith without referring to the Holy Scriptures. According to this claim, the term of “ley” [law] is charged with a religious rather than legal sense. This conclusion underlines the coherence of the text, distinguishing it from the Partidas.


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How to Cite

Albornoz, D. (2017). Problems about the utilization of the world "ley" in alfonsine Setenario and its relationship with the purpose of the book. Letras, (73), 55–64. Retrieved from



Ponencias. Estudios de literatura española medieval