Hudson Birds Adventures


  • Niall Binns Universidad Complutense de Madrid



W. H. Hudson, Adventure, Warblers, Birds and Literature, Avian Studies


Hudson Birds Adventures

The article examines the notion of “adventure” in Hudson’s work in relation to birds. It distinguishes his experience in Argentina as a child and in his youth, with species dazzling due to their size and colouring, from his experience with the more modest species he came across, as an adult, in an English countryside which was victim to the relentless persecution by collectors and by landowners and gamekeepers’ intent on freeing their hunting grounds from predators. The experiences in rural England were adventures just as intense for Hudson, a field naturalist with exceptional powers of observation, the subtlest of ears for birdsong and an unusual ability to experience wonder. In its principal section, the article centres on the passion with which Hudson speaks in his books of warblers, the most anodine of bird families in their aspect and extremely difficult to spot, to examine his strategies as nature essayist and conservationist.


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Alexander, Cecil Frances, 1852, Hymns for Little Children, Londres: Joseph Masters, 5ª ed.

Hudson, William Henry, 1892, The Naturalist in La Plata, Londres: Chapman & Hall.

Hudson, William Henry, 1893a, Idle Days in Patagonia, Londres: Chapman & Hall.

Hudson, William Henry, 1893b, Birds in a Village, Londres: Chapman & Hall.

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Hudson, William Henry, 1901, Birds and Man, Londres: Longmans, Green.

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Hudson, Guillermo Enrique, 1953, El Naturalista en el Plata, trad. de M. C., Buenos Aires: Emecé.

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Martínez Estrada, Ezequiel, 2001, El mundo maravilloso de Guillermo Enrique Hudson, Buenos Aires: Beatriz Viterbo Editora.

Milton, John, 1812, Paraíso perdido, trad. de Juan de Escoiquiz, Bourges: Casa de Gilles, vol. II.

Sclater, P. L. y W. H. Hudson, 1888, Argentine Ornithology, Londres: R. H. Porter, vol. I.

Tomalin, Ruth, 1982, W. H. Hudson: A Biography, Londres: Faber and Faber.

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How to Cite

Binns, N. (2023). Hudson Birds Adventures. Letras, (87), 100–127.