
  • Pablo Martínez Astorino CONICET - UNLP


Cicero – Metamorphoses – Fasti – apotheosis – sphragis – unus homo.


The purpose in this paper is to find out, seeking in the allusion and the style, Cicero's influence on Ovid's longest works, an influence which have been briefly suggested, in the case of the Metamorphoses, by Hardie and Gildenhard and Zissos. While the Ovid's type of link is, as we shall see, a literary one, we will realize that political definitions, even in an allegedly apolitical author, are also involved. The discussion will consider, especially in the Metamorphoses but also in the Fasti, Cicero’s influence in the creation of man, the apotheosis motif, the proem and the sphragis, as well as in the Ovidian representation of the unus homo and the eulogy of monarchy, with its Augustan associations.


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How to Cite

Martínez Astorino, P. (2019). OVIDIO Y CICERÓN: INFLUENCIA DE CICERÓN EN LA OBRA DE OVIDIO. Stylos, 26(26), 136–159. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/STY/article/view/2023


