Ékphrasis, Rhetoric, Greek LiteratureAbstract
This article aims to analyze comparatively the rhetorical figure of ékphrasis on the Iliad’s c.XVIII hopoploiía, Aeschylus’s Seven against Thebes, Herodas’s Mime 4, the Argonauticas Jason’s cloak and Philostratus’s Imagines. These works were made between VIII BC and II AD, and they represent diverse literary genres, so we examine how ékphrasis is used in such a broad period of time and such wide literary margin. In order to do so, we provide a definition and an analysis of the problematic of ékphrasis through ancient progymnásmata (I - IV AD). Then we explain which the ékphrastic object belongs to each text and its mediation process (language and narrator). Finally, the objective is to analyze which function of ékphrasis is used in each text, taking into account that this rhetorical figure works as a producer of sense and not a mere rhetorical digressive ornament.Downloads
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