About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Tábano (ISSN 2591-572X) is the biannual publication of the Philosophy Student Center of the UCA, aimed at an academic audience specialized in Philosophy.

It aspires to be a true reflection of the philosophical concerns of our Faculty, without restricting itself to any particular area, subject or current, and seeking to establish a dialogue with the international philosophical community. It seeks, drawing from tradition, to open itself to the most diverse philosophical thoughts until it becomes a living meeting place, a home for those who today dare to think transcendentally: to think about man, his world and his God.

Tábano does not charge any fee for the publication of articles and is open to the participation of authors from any institution and any part of the world.

Peer Review Process

Articles submitted must first be approved by the Internal Editorial Committee. In this instance, it will be analyzed if it meets if the subject is relevant and has the minimum requirements. The Internal Editorial Committee may reject the articles directly without external evaluation if it considers that they do not meet the minimum requirements (relevance, originality, presentation guidelines for the work).

In a second instance, the article will be sent to External Advisors (National or International) for anonymous evaluation, in the form of “peer review” (double-blind reference). This implies that the evaluators do not know the name of the author and vice versa.

The evaluators will review the originality and scientific interest of the work, they will value the research approach (clarity, order, style, etc.), the knowledge of the state of the art of the subject, the writing style (quality, language, neutrality, use of references, etc.), the coherence of the organic structure of the article and the order of the presentation and the relevance of the sources and bibliography. The veredict can be:

  • Accepted, in its current version without modifications. Style issues will be reviewed for publication.
  • Accepted, subject to the conditions that the referee deems necessary. It may be regarding the writing, the bibliography or any other observation that the evaluator considers. In this case, the author will be given a deadline for correction. Once submitted, it is reviewed and published. If the term expires, the article will be pending for the next issue. In the case that a corrected version is sended and the evaluators consider it insufficient, the article will not be published.
  • Rejected, urging its revision or reformulation. The article does not meet minimum academic standards and / or has serious writing problems but the author is encouraged to review it and send it again for evaluation for the next issue.
  • Unconditionally rejected. The article does not meet minimum academic standards and / or has serious problems and is considered unsuitable for publication.

The opinion of the evaluators is final.

Publication Frequency

Tábano is published every six months, with one issue in January-June and another in July-December.

Open Access Policy

Tábano adheres to the philosophy of open access to scientific literature, allowing unrestricted downloading, distribution, copying and printing of its material, thus ensuring the fulfillment of two fundamental objectives:
- Unrestricted access to information, without economic, legal or technical barriers.
- Increased visibility and impact of the institution and its researchers.



The documents submitted to the journal are stored for their preservation in a master folder hosted on the UCA Institutional Repository server. In addition, the University performs a backup within its Data Center and adds a replica in an external DC.


This journal is indexed in Catálogo LATINDEX, Núcleo Básico, Dialnet, Latin REV, DOAJ, MLA (Modern Language Association Database), Philosopher's Index, ERIH PLUS, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, Latinoamericana Revistas, CIRC, ROAD, REDIB, DRJI and is available in the repository CORE. It is also available in the institutional repository of the university (https://repositorio.uca.edu.ar), associated to Base de Datos Unificada del SIU and to EBSCO Host.

Plagiarism Detection Policy

Tábano's plagiarism control procedure involves the following stages:

  • In the instructions to the authors, the requirement of originality of the works presented is manifest.
  • At the same time, the presentation of unpublished works is an exclusive requirement of acceptance of originals.
  • Authors are also required to explicitly mention the sources in all citations, in accordance with the journal's rules.
  • Once received, the works go through the simultaneous control of the following anti-plagiarism software  iThenticate, Turnitin.
  • In case of detecting any trace of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, the articles will be rejected and the author will be notified.

Code of Conduct and Best Practice

Tábano suscribes to the Code of Conduct and Best Practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In accordance with this Code, editors are responsible for all content published in their journal and, therefore, undertake to:

  • Strive to meet the needs of their readers and authors.
  • Strive for continuous improvement of the journal.
  • Have processes in place to ensure the quality of the material they publish.
  • Uphold freedom of expression.
  • Maintain the scholarly integrity of published content.
  • Prevent commercial issues from compromising intellectual and ethical standards.
  • Publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

Digital Preservation Policy

The information contained in the "Periodic Publications System" (SPP) is preserved on different digital media on a daily and weekly basis. The supports used for the "backup copy" are hard disks and magnetic tapes.

Backup copy on hard disks: Two disks configured with a RAID 1 scheme are used. Another copy is made on a remote backup server that is in a different physical location from the main SPP server. This copy is made every 12 hours, without compression and/or encryption.

For backup copies on magnetic tape there are two schemes: daily and weekly backup copies.

Daily backup copy on magnetic tape: a full backup copy of the SPP is made every 24 hours. For this process there are a total of 18 different magnetic tapes in a rotating scheme. One magnetic tape is used per day, and the magnetic tape with the oldest backup copy is overwritten. This gives a total backup time of up to 25 days backwards.

Weekly backup copy on magnetic tape: every week (every Saturday) another complete backup copy is made on magnetic tape. For this purpose, 10 magnetic tapes are available in a rotating scheme. Each new backup copy is made on the magnetic tape containing the oldest copy, giving a total backup time of up to 64 days.

The magnetic tape files are stored in zip format and are compressed by the backup management system. In the event of a failure of the magnetic tape reading/writing equipment, two interchangeable magnetic tape drives are used.

The magnetic tapes of the daily and weekly backup copies are stored in a fireproof container (safe).

Database backup copy: A daily backup copy (dump) of the system database and a backup copy of the complete database engine are applied with the capacity to recover from failures up to 5 minutes prior to failure. Additionally, the database server is replicated on two RAID 1 nodes.

Interoperability Protocol

This journal uses the OAI-PMH protocol for metadata collection.

Article submission and publication fee

Tábano does not charge any fees for article submission or for the publication process (review, layout, printing and distribution). As an open access journal, there are no fees for consultation or downloading.

Preservación Digital

PKP Preservation Network

Journal content is preserved by the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) which provides free digital preservation services for journals hosted on Open Journal Systems (OJS) through the LOCKSS program.


The articles are archived in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), through its integration with OJS, ensuring a permanent and secure archive.

LOCKSS and CLOKSS guarantee digital preservation in a decentralized and distributed manner, and ensure long-term access to published content.

See LOCKSS Manifest | See CLOCKSS Manifest

Institutional Repository

Tábano's articles are deposited in the Institutional Repository of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ensuring that the integrity of the archived content is verified. Additionally, it is backed up to a master preservation folder at the institution.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

This journal uses DOI as a persistent identifier, managed in Crossref, which prevents loss of access to the content if the journal's URL is modified in the future.

Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.46553/tab