Phenomenology and violence. The European condition of philosophy in the face of the problem of otherness
Phenomenology, Alterity, Violence, Intercultural PhilosophyAbstract
This paper pretends to summarize the reflections of Emmanuel Lévinas, Jaques Derrida and Hans Rainer Sepp on Husserl´s characterization of the european reason in The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. Firstly, I present the key elements of the Husserlian consideration of philosophy in Crisis and then I try to outline the violence towards alterity that his position would imply. Secondly, I delineate Levinas´s appraisal of contemporary ontology and his idea of giving preference to ethic as a way of dealing with the violence of thinking. Finally, I revisit Derrida´s critique on Levinas and Sepp´s reflection on phenomenology in order to underline the in-between as the proper place of thinking.
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