The Eckhartian doctrine of detachment in Saint Luke 10 (38-42)


  • Santiago Poznansky Universidad de Buenos Aires



Acción, contemplación, Evangelio de San Lucas, mística


The Gospel of Saint Luke reveals Jesus' visit Martha and Mary ‘s home. In his sermon number 86 Eckhart vindicates Marta over her sister Mary, rebelling himself against the traditional claim of contemplation over action. Eckhart says that Marta’s dignified life is the life where our souls are one with God in via. In the first part I will explain the Eckhartian detachment doctrine. In a second part I will expose Marta's vindication in the Eckhartian reading of the Gospel and show that it is possible because she lives according to the detachment doctrine.


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How to Cite

Poznansky, S. (2021). The Eckhartian doctrine of detachment in Saint Luke 10 (38-42). Tábano, (17), 45–55.


