Martin Buber and its Contribution to Philosophy of Language


  • Juan Facundo Torres Brizuela Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina



Pensamiento judío, nominalismo, lenguaje, antropología, Martin Buber.


Jewish philosophy has always had its own way of making it´s answers to the different questions that have been appearing in the history of thought. This indeed happen with the question about language, that involve Jewish thought not only from the philosophical point of view, but also from the religious one. Thereby, a current of thought arises, which can be called “Jewish nominalism” that proposes a new way to think about language, directly confronting the main intellectual tradition in Western thought that stretches from Ionia to Jena and inspires Martin Buber´s conception of language and anthropology. The objective of this work is to analyze the understanding of language from this “Jewish nominalism” and the strong influence it had on Martin Buber. The hypothesis that it presents is that the understanding of the name and the naming for the thinkers of “Jewish nominalism” gives shape and bases to the possibility of the human being to say Thou in Martin Buber, making, at the same time, Buber´s anthropology’s bases a valuable contribution to the philosophy of language.


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Author Biography

Juan Facundo Torres Brizuela, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Juan Facundo Torres Brizuela es Doctorando en Filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Es, también, profesor y licenciado de Filosofía por la misma casa de estudios. Su área de investigación es la antropología filosófica. Ha realizado su tesis de licenciatura sobre la influencia del "nominalismo judío” en la antropología de Martin Buber.


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How to Cite

Torres Brizuela, J. F. (2022). Martin Buber and its Contribution to Philosophy of Language. Tábano, (20), 36–54.


