Décalage and Narrative Identity: An Approach from Pêcheux and Derrida


  • Santiago Bellocq Universidad de Buenos Aires ; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas




Décalage, Interdiscourse, Différance, Archive, Autobiography.


This article aims to investigate the limits and possibilities of the constitution of subjectivity and its narrative meaning in Michel Pêcheux from a comparison of the notions of décalage, interdiscourse and hetero-constitution with certain Derridean ideas. Pêcheux (1975) develops the concept of interdiscourse by investigating its relationship with discursive formations and the way in which they “hold” the subject, constituting it through a series of subtractions/forgettings that, far from vanishing, are the paradoxical condition of possibility of a kind of memorial montage; memory that ultimately depends on an archive that inscribes traces on the surfaces of meaning (corporeal-biographical but especially social). Both the Pecheutian décalage and the Derridean différance can be thought of as that dynamic instance that, in its differing, in turn enables and disables any archive and, therefore, any event (biographical or not). It is from this “bad” differentiating archive, from this auto-bio-thanato-hetero-graphic enunciative scene, that we can consider whether or not it is viable to think about the narrativity of a life and what ontological, subjective and discursive implications are played there.


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Author Biography

Santiago Bellocq, Universidad de Buenos Aires ; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Santiago Bellocq es Licenciado en Filosofía, becario doctoral (CONICET-ANCBA), docente de Psicología, Ética y Derechos Humanos (UBA-PSI) y Análisis del Discurso (UCES). Su campo de investigación oscila entre la filosofía francesa contemporánea, la filosofía del lenguaje y el pensamiento heideggeriano, estudiando particularmente la relación entre acontecimiento, diferencia y negatividad desde una perspectiva semiótica.


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How to Cite

Bellocq, S. (2022). Décalage and Narrative Identity: An Approach from Pêcheux and Derrida. Tábano, (20), 54–64. https://doi.org/10.46553/tab.20.2022.p54-64


