Merleau-Ponty against the project of a universal grammar: logic and language


  • Claudio Cormick Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina



Merleau-Ponty, Universal Grammar, Language, Logic


Throughout a variety of texts, Merleau-Ponty criticized the Husserlian project which he alternatively called a “universal grammar” and an “eidetics of language”, and to which he associated a series of consequences: the claim that universal grammar entails (I) the prior knowability of universal “forms” with respect to natural languages; (II) the univocity with which words in natural languages would be related to their meanings, and the transparency which this univocal relation would present to consciousness; (III) the secondariness of language with respect to thought, and (IV) universal intertranslatability. The French author rejects these consequences and therefore questions the plausibility of the universalistic project in question. However, it is not clear that these alleged consequences are actually entailed by the proposal Merleau-Ponty is discussing, or that, if obtained, they take the specific form necessary for the criticism to succeed. We will try to show that such a criticism ultimately fails.


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Author Biography

Claudio Cormick, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina

Claudio Cormick es doctor en Filosofía (UBA/Paris 8), investigador asistente en CONICET y docente en la carrera de Filosofía de la UBA. Es autor de 39 artículos en castellano, inglés y francés en revistas especializadas (incluyendo Chiasmi, Science and Education, Manuscrito, Daimon y Análisis Filosófico) y de dos libros, el segundo en coautoría con Valeria Edelsztein, junto a quien publica mensualmente una columna de ciencia y epistemología en el diario Tiempo Argentino. Investiga en la actualidad temas de epistemología social desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar, en particular la problemática del negacionismo científico.


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How to Cite

Cormick, C. (2024). Merleau-Ponty against the project of a universal grammar: logic and language. Tábano, (24), 60–80.


