Faith in a Reformatory Context. Situation of Women Deprived of Liberty


  • Gabriela María Di Renzo Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Sede Rosario


Prison, Women in detention, Penitentiary system, Michel De Certeau


The work is part of the group investigation The experience of faith of women deprived of liberty. Study of a case in the Women Recovery Institute, Unit 5, Rosario, within the framework of the research project Urban theology: Practices of popular spirituality in Rosario and Buenos Aires. The prison has often been studied forgetting women, or simply homogenizing the different realities that male and female reclusion have. Jail shows how gender exclusion is built, together with other exclusions such as ethnicity, class, and status. The work has two aims: to make visible the violations of the rights of women in detention, and to think about the penitentiary system as a mechanism of social correction and control. From this correctional perspective, Christian faith proposed by the religious institutions present in jails shall be considered. The work also analyzes the perspective of the experience of Christian faith from Michel De Certeau’s point of view, which seems enlightening in this context.


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How to Cite

Di Renzo, G. M. (2016). Faith in a Reformatory Context. Situation of Women Deprived of Liberty. Teología, 53(119), 177–188. Retrieved from