Santa Hildegarda de Bingen: ¿por qué “Doctora de la Iglesia”? Responden Bernardo de Claraval y Eugenio III


  • Pedro Edmundo Gómez Monasterio Benedictino Cristo Rey de Tucumán


Hildegard, Theology, Monastic, Mysticism


The letters of Bernard abbot of Clairvaux and Pope Eugene III addressed to Hildegard of Bingen can be read as a diptych which answers the question: Why “Doctor of the Church”? The first, certainly brief albeit very substantial, illumined by the Holy Spirit and founded on the Word of God, in which she tranquillizes and encourages, affirms that the Unction of the Holy Spirit, the devotion-adoration towards God, the humbleness towards oneself, and the charity towards others, are subjective and necessary onditions for a monastic theologian. In the second, confirmation of the ecclesial charisma and mission of the abbess, we find the objective clues: christological-paschal, ecclesial-sponsal, pneumatic-methodological and monastic, together with some dimensions and instruments necessary in order to be an “authentic teacher in theology”.


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How to Cite

Gómez, P. E. (2018). Santa Hildegarda de Bingen: ¿por qué “Doctora de la Iglesia”? Responden Bernardo de Claraval y Eugenio III. Teología, 51(113), 29–61. Retrieved from