Liberation and Culture. The Impulse of Medellín and the Reception of Argentine Theology


  • Omar César Albado Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Medellín, Concrete Man, Liberation, Culture, Justino O’Farrell, Lucio Gera, Rafael Tello, Argentine Theology, Theology of Liberation


The author intends to demonstrate continuity of the liberation-culture pairing between the Final Documents of Medellín and the theological elaboration of some Argentine thinkers. In the first place, the problem is presented in Medellín and then in some texts by Argentine theologians, in what is understood to be a reception of the questions raised by the Final Documents. The development of the article will try to show that there is no contradiction or opposition between both categories.


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How to Cite

Albado, O. C. (2018). Liberation and Culture. The Impulse of Medellín and the Reception of Argentine Theology. Teología, 55(126), 133–143. Retrieved from