Christianity between Civilization and Barbarism in Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1840-1850)


  • Agustín Podestá Universidad del Salvador


Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Catechisms of Sarmiento, Facundo Quiroga, Civilization and Barbarism, Religion and Moral, Citizenship.


This article emerges from the thesis for the Degree in Theology with a Specialization in Church History, entitled: The Catechisms of Sarmiento. Contextualization and comment, defended in June 2019. We propose here to glimpse how Christianity, accor- ding to Sarmiento’s conception, has a leading role in the conformation of the civilized and the barbaric; the Christian religion as an element or note of civilization or barba- rism. This approach will be based on an analysis of Sarmiento’s books: Facundo o civilización y barbarie, Recuerdos de provincia y La conciencia de un niño written betwe- en 1840 and 1850.


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Author Biography

Agustín Podestá, Universidad del Salvador

El autor es profesor de Teología en la Universidad del Salvador



How to Cite

Podestá, A. (2019). Christianity between Civilization and Barbarism in Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1840-1850). Teología, 56(130), 81–100. Retrieved from