El sacramento del matrimonio. Donde el amor divino y humano se encuentran.


  • Andrea Sanchez Ruiz Universidad de San Isidro "Placido Marin"


Anthropology, Sacraments, Marriage.


“Love of God in human love”. With these words, Dionisio Borobio expresses the divine
presence in conjugal love. This is what we will discuss in these pages. We will seek
to unfold, with the help of the Spanish theologian, the pregnancy of divine love in human love and the mutual dependency of a love that seeks the absolute, and condescension of God manifested in that love that yearns an ultimate meaning beyond itself, to keep it holy. To do this, first, we will describe the anthropological richness of marriage.
In a second stage we will outline its sacramental and symbolic richness. Finally, we address the implications of the encounter of divine love and human love in conjugal life.


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How to Cite

Sanchez Ruiz, A. (2020). El sacramento del matrimonio. Donde el amor divino y humano se encuentran. Teología, 46(100), 537–556. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/TEO/article/view/2788