Jesucristo, plenitud de la Revelación. El testimonio del Nuevo Testamento.


  • Gabriel Marcelo Nápole Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Jesus Christ, Revelation, Dei Verbum, New Testament.


From the perspective of the New Testament, the author proposes a study to help understand
and deepen the teaching’s of the Second Vatican Council about “Jesus Christ, who is both the mediator and the fullness of all revelation” (DV 2). The article is organized in two sections: one relative to the Old Testament and the other to the New Testament: the first shows how Israel discovered the will of God for themselves and for humanity by reading it’s history; the second is about Jesus, the “place” where God’s design had and has its full realization. To all the disciples, Jesus remains the way to a fulfilling life (cf. DA 375).


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How to Cite

Nápole, G. M. (2020). Jesucristo, plenitud de la Revelación. El testimonio del Nuevo Testamento. Teología, 46(99), 249–266. Retrieved from