«The Elderly are the Reservoir of Wisdom for our People». A few Aspects of Pope Francis’ Teachings on Ageing


  • Verónica Leticia Masciadro Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.


Ageing, Elderly Men and Women, Culture of Waste, Faith, Prayer


The aim of this paper is to explore Pope Francis’ vision with regard to ageing through- out his magisterium. In other to do so, it will delve into his teachings on the treatment of the elderly, the relationship with younger generation and the part they play in a society in which the culture of waste prevails. Lastly, it will deal with the issue of the wisdom elderly men and women possess, their role in the transmission of the faith and the value of their prayers.


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Author Biography

Verónica Leticia Masciadro, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.

La autora es abogada y Licenciada en Teología. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación de Teología Urbana de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.



How to Cite

Masciadro, V. L. (2020). «The Elderly are the Reservoir of Wisdom for our People». A few Aspects of Pope Francis’ Teachings on Ageing. Teología, 57(131), 131–149. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/TEO/article/view/3044