Reciprocity, Vincularity and Transformation Some Notes on Hospitality in the Old Testament


  • Constanza Levaggi Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología



Hospitality, Reciprocity, Vincularity, Transformation, Old Testament


From a synchronic perspective and a narrative approach, some encounters in which the characters assume roles of host or guest are presented. Although they have some common elements, each encounter has its own characteristics: causes, motivations, consequences. This confirms the difficulty of making simple and ab- solute statements about "hospitality in the Old Testament". However some notes are proposed that can contribute to the debate: reciprocity, bonding, asymmetry, hostility and transformation.


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Author Biography

Constanza Levaggi, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología

La autora es profesora de Sagradas Escritura en la Facultad de Teología de la UCA


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How to Cite

Levaggi, C. (2021). Reciprocity, Vincularity and Transformation Some Notes on Hospitality in the Old Testament. Teología, 58(135), 41–58.


