The Reconfiguration of Identities and Relationships of Ecclesial Subjects in a Church People of God




This article delves into the reception and maturation of the organic character of the ecclesiology of the People of God. It emphasizes the equality of all christifideles rooted in baptismal dignity, while acknowledging functional differences within a framework of differentiated co-responsibility. The foundational sacrament of baptism is highlighted as a key element fostering relationships of mutual completeness (AA 6) among all the faithful. Baptismal dignity is conceived as the common character and shared condition for reconfiguring the identity of all christifideles and their relational dynamics, incorporating equal rights and duties for all. There emerged from Vatican II a distinctive figure and form of the Church, expressing the organic and enduring bond of all the faithful by reciprocal necessity, therefore overcoming a pyramidal and clerical understanding of the Church. The article aims to contribute to the understanding and implications of the category of christifideles within the current state of the reception of Second Vatican Council ecclesiology and, in light of synodality, emphasizing its repercussions for the renewal and reconfiguring of the identity and the relationships of all ecclesial subjects within a Church, People of God.


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Author Biography

Rafael Luciani, Catholic University Andrés Bello

This article delves into the reception and maturation of the organic character of the ecclesiology of the People of God. It emphasizes the equality of all christifideles rooted in baptismal dignity, while acknowledging functional differences within a framework of differentiated co-responsibility. The foundational sacrament of baptism is highlighted as a key element fostering relationships of mutual completeness (AA 6) among all the faithful. Baptismal dignity is conceived as the common character and shared condition for reconfiguring the identity of all christifideles and their relational dynamics, incorporating equal rights and duties for all. There emerged from Vatican II a distinctive figure and form of the Church, expressing the organic and enduring bond of all the faithful by reciprocal necessity, therefore overcoming a pyramidal and clerical understanding of the Church. The article aims to contribute to the understanding and implications of the category of christifideles within the current state of the reception of Second Vatican Council ecclesiology and, in light of synodality, emphasizing its repercussions for the renewal and reconfiguring of the identity and the relationships of all ecclesial subjects within a Church, People of God.


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How to Cite

Luciani, R. (2024). The Reconfiguration of Identities and Relationships of Ecclesial Subjects in a Church People of God. Teología, 61(143), 39–75.


