Transdisciplinary Moral Theology in the Key of Synodality: A Latin American and Caribbean Perspective
Synodality, Moral Theology, Transdisciplinarity, Second Vatican Council, CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Conference), Latin America and the CaribbeanAbstract
Is synodality the democratization of morality in the church? The Synod on Synodality has raised various questions about how to be Church in the 21st century. A strong ecclesiological emphasis has been placed on the role that all baptized men and women must assume as sons and daughters of God and members of the Church. During the first session of the Synod in 2023, the theme of inclusion and participation in the life of the Church was of utmost importance. This has generated relevant questions for moral theology, such as whether synodality means compromising the objectivity of moral theology. In other words, is synodality the democratization of the Church and, therefore, of doctrine, faith, and morality? In response to these concerns, we question how the need for the specialization of moral theology, promoted by the Second Vatican Council, applies today to address the ethical and moral challenges of our time. Additionally, how synodality and transdisciplinarity contribute to moral theology's ability to fulfill its mission and vocation. Finally, the experience of Latin America and the Caribbean, through CELAM, can offer valuable insights based on the maturity of certain historical paths taken in these areas.
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