Historical facts and their influence on the approach to mystical authors and their works. The particular case of Meister Eckhart





Late Middle Ages, Meister Eckhart, Inquisitorial Process, Conflict be-tween Church and Empire, Fraticelli, Beguines, Free Spirit


When authors and their works are studied, it’s important to consider the historical context, not only to place them in time and understand their concerns, but to interpret them accurately. That’s why I introduce Meister Eckhart’s case, a controversial author, because of his doctrines and the way he expresses them. These characteristics led him to a doctrinal process and an inquisitorial condemnation; nevertheless, years later, it proved not to be such, but this condemnation influenced in a negative way in Eckhart’s reception.


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Author Biography

Sergio Sarza, Círculo Iberoamericano Meister Eckhart. Argentina

El autor de esta contribución es Licenciado en Teología, especializado en Historia de la Iglesia, por la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Es profesor de Historia de la Iglesia Medieval en el Profesorado Don Bosco y en la Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (UN-STA); es profesor de Historia de la Iglesia en Derecho Canónico (UCA) y de Historia de la Iglesia Latinoamericana en el Instituto Superior Marista. Forma parte del Círculo Iberoamericano Meister Eckhart. Actualmente es doctorando en la UCA.


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How to Cite

Sarza, S. (2024). Historical facts and their influence on the approach to mystical authors and their works. The particular case of Meister Eckhart. Teología, 61(145), 35–60. https://doi.org/10.46553/teo.61.145.2024.p35-60