The many sources of Knowledge and Education


  • Paola Delbosco Pontifica Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


Educación, Identidad cultural, TIC, Nuevo rol docente, Criterio


The bicentennial of the Argentinian Independence is a good opportunity to have a look at education, through which our identity as argentinians has been forged. The figure of the teacher has been central in shaping the citizens of our country, as the source of knowledge and the skills required for a pacific and fruitful coexistence. Nevertheless, the new technologies of information and communication make it necessary to revisit the roll of the educator. Today it is indispensable that the TIC contribute with all their potentialities to the task of education, not in order to substitute for teachers, but to incorporate their capacities as adults in the development of criteria to manage the abundance and variety of contents. Grownups in charge have also the task of posing −and helping others pose− the most basic questions regarding the way to overcome the mistakes and defects of this world. Educators and students can both be protagonists in the creation of that new world.


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Como Citar

Delbosco, P. (2016). The many sources of Knowledge and Education. Teología, 53(120), 73–87. Obtido de


