The Unique Catechism of 1902. Catechesis of the Early Twentieth Century in Argentina (1900 - 1909)


  • Sergio Sarza


Concilio Plenario Latinoamericano, Reunión episcopal Salta 1902, Primer catecismo único, Sínodo cordobés 1877, Catecismo Astete, Acerbo Nimis


The Latin American Plenary Council of 1899 stipulated, among other regulations,
the convenience of writing one catechism for each ecclesiastical province. The Argentine bishops anointed a Drafting Committee composed of one representative from each diocese to undertake the task, inspired by the Catechism of the jesuit Father Astete. This Catechism was adopted at the First Meeting of Bishops of Salta in September 1902. The Catechism of 1902 was an expression of the pastoral concern of a church with its own characteristics.


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Como Citar

Sarza, S. (2018). The Unique Catechism of 1902. Catechesis of the Early Twentieth Century in Argentina (1900 - 1909). Teología, 51(115), 91–110. Obtido de