The popular Pastoral and the Mystique of the Beatitudes. A new Challenge of Pope Francis for our Times after Medellin


  • Jorge R. Seibold Facultad de Teología de San Miguel


Pastoral, Pueblo, Medellín, Mística


This collaboration goes through the thoughts of Pope Francis showing evangelization
in the midst of our people from the perspective of the life of the Beatitudes. It tries to
propose the interior life deeply penetrated by a transforming mystical experience,
which leads the People of God and not only to a chosen few, to bring that existence
to areas of adoration to God and of true commitment to the most varied social
experiences of the humanity and that have to do with Love, Justice, Peace and the
Common Good.


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Biografia Autor

Jorge R. Seibold, Facultad de Teología de San Miguel

El autor es Doctor en Filosofía con una amplia trayectoria en el estudio de la cultura popular, la religiosidad y la mística del pueblo. Luego de haber sido decano de la Facultad de Filosofía de San Miguel (1981-1997) y profesor en ella durante décadas, se dedica actualmente a investigar y escribir.



Como Citar

Seibold, J. R. (2018). The popular Pastoral and the Mystique of the Beatitudes. A new Challenge of Pope Francis for our Times after Medellin. Teología, 55(127), 9–30. Obtido de