In my Father's House there are many Dwellings (Jn 14,2). The Path to Wisdom in the Eschatology of Origen


  • Patricia Andrea Ciner Universidad Nacional de San Juan ; Universidad Católica de Cuyo


Morada, escatología, vida, sabiduría


In this article that we present today and using the method of interdisciplinary study
that characterized the great Alexandrian theologian, we will analyze the implications
that the Johannine verse In my Father's house there are many abodes for Origen,
seeking to show his eschatological position about the problem of the life after death
and its connection with the path of Wisdom.


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Biografia Autor

Patricia Andrea Ciner, Universidad Nacional de San Juan ; Universidad Católica de Cuyo

La autora es Vicepresidenta de la Asociación Interncional de Estudios Patrísticos



Como Citar

Ciner, P. A. (2018). In my Father’s House there are many Dwellings (Jn 14,2). The Path to Wisdom in the Eschatology of Origen. Teología, 55(127), 31–49. Obtido de