The paschal Joy of Theology in a Church on missionary Departure. A first Reception of the Constitution Veritatis gaudium


  • Carlos María Galli Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Alegría, Iglesia en salida, Investigación, Misión, Sinodalidad, Teología, Veritatis Gaudium


In 2017, Francis promulgated the Apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium on
ecclesiastical universities and faculties, which promotes the renewal of theological
studies. The title of the document, The Joy of Truth, expresses the kerygmatic style
of his teaching, which calls for love, light, praise, joy. From Saint Paul VI, the
Argentine Pope took the slogan "the sweet joy of evangelizing", which marks his
pretrine ministry. Our joy in God is missionary. His new document seems to call
"the sweet joy of doing theology." The Dean of our Faculty of Theology took
advantage of the opening speech of the academic year of 2018 to make a first reception
of the main lines proposing a reception of the great lines of the Proemio de la
Veritatis gaudium. This collaboration presents the theological vocation in a paschal,
joyful, evangelizing key. A process of reform of studies requires, first of all,
to live the joy of Jesus as the center of a renewed theological mystique in a Church
in missionary outing.


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Biografia Autor

Carlos María Galli, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología

El autor es decano de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.



Como Citar

Galli, C. M. (2018). The paschal Joy of Theology in a Church on missionary Departure. A first Reception of the Constitution Veritatis gaudium. Teología, 55(127), 122–158. Obtido de