Hosting the Glory of Love as an original Phenomenon. From the theological Aesthetics to the Phenomenology of the Gift


  • Cecilia Inés Avenatti de Palumbo Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Facultad de Teología


Hans Urs von Balthasar, Jean-Luc Marion, Hospitalidad, Estética teológica, Fenómeno saturado


"Read Balthasar urgently." In May 68, J.M. Lustiger directed this exhortation to a group of young philosophers, among whom was J.-L. Marion, who will later recognize the decisive character that the balthasarian theological aesthetics exercised in the gestation of his phenomenology of the gift. In order to ponder this theological aesthetic matrix, the article proposes to consider the glory of love manifested in the figure of revelation from the dynamism of donation-reception and revelation in concealment. From the trinitarian logic of the paschal mystery and the phenomenological unavailability of the origin, hospitality is proposed as a trinitarian and anthropological key of the second circle of reception of balthasarian aesthetics and dramatic.


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Biografia Autor

Cecilia Inés Avenatti de Palumbo, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Facultad de Teología

La Doctora Avenatti es profesora e investigadora en las Facultades de Filosofía y Letras y de Teología de la Universidad Católica Argentina. Dirige el proyecto de investigación sobre Teología de la Hospitalidad en el Grupo Interdisciplinar de Investigación de Teología, Literatura y Estética.



Como Citar

Avenatti de Palumbo, C. I. (2018). Hosting the Glory of Love as an original Phenomenon. From the theological Aesthetics to the Phenomenology of the Gift. Teología, 55(127), 177–188. Obtido de