The Common and the Ecclesial. Notes on Conception of Space in Eastern Christian Thought


  • Federico Aguirre Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Teología


Teología ortodoxa, Individuo, Persona, Espacio, Perspectiva


Orthodox theology has had an important development since the twentieth century, induced by the rereading of Greek Fathers and the rediscovery of the icon’s tradition. The revaluation of these two sources, which has had a significant impact on the western world, is closely related to the processes of cultural modernization in Eastern European countries. This essay approaches the conception of space in Eastern Chris- tian thought from a brief exposition of its ontological presuppositions, as well as its some epistemological and socio-cultural implications. To some extent, this text attempts to show an eastern side of the matter.


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Biografia Autor

Federico Aguirre, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Facultad de Teología

El autor es Vicedecano de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Es profesor en esa casa de estudios y se ha desempeñado como investigador del Centro de Estudios de la Religión de la misma universidad.



Como Citar

Aguirre, F. (2020). The Common and the Ecclesial. Notes on Conception of Space in Eastern Christian Thought. Teología, 57(131), 117–129. Obtido de


