News Approaches for the Study of the Historical Jesus: The Jesus Remembered by James Dunn (II)


  • Lucas Figueroa Instituto Santo Cura de Ars de Mercedes



Investigación sobre la vida de Jesús, Revelación, Historia, Fe, Hermenéutica, Paradigma


James Dunn's work entitled Christianity in the Making (I): Jesus Remembered —first volume of his investigation of early Christianity — invites us to rethink the investigation of the historical Jesus from a better precision in the object of study, from a distinctive paradigm in the history of the Quest and from a methodology that is illuminated from that para- digmatic change. In this second part of our article, we show the most important contri- butions of the English scholar. His work is a reference in the Quest of the historical Jesus.



Biografia Autor

Lucas Figueroa, Instituto Santo Cura de Ars de Mercedes

El autor es Director de Estudios del Instituto Sacerdotal Santo Cura de Ars


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Revista Teología • Tomo LVII • N° 133 • Diciembre 2020: 9-36 35


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Como Citar

Figueroa, L. (2020). News Approaches for the Study of the Historical Jesus: The Jesus Remembered by James Dunn (II). Teología, 57(133), 9–36.


