Synodality as a Joint Elaboration of Decisions: Breaking the Deadlock of the votum tantum consultivum


  • Alphone Borras Universidad Católica de Lovaina



Eclesiología, Sinodalidad, Participación, Consulta, Deliberación, Voto consultivo, Decisión making / decision taking, Sínodo diocesano, Consejo pastoral, Consejo presbiteral


The Church is synodal, which implies, from a participatory ecclesiology, the co-re- sponsibility of all the faithful. In this perspective, the qualification of the participatory bodies proposed by the Code of Canon Law as «only consultative» is problem- atic for a modern democratic sensibility. After evoking the anchoring of synodality in the mystery of the Church, the author recalls that this concept alludes both to a style, a habitus, and to processes and institutions that involve the protagonism of all the faithful as well as the singular role of the pastoral ministry. From there he concludes on the inadequacy of the juridical binomial "consultative-deliberative" to highlight both the ecclesiological weight of the common opinion and the equally ecclesiological relevance of the joint elaboration of decisions, in ecclesia.


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Biografia Autor

Alphone Borras, Universidad Católica de Lovaina

El autor es profesor emérito de la Facultad de Derecho Canónico de la Universidad Católica de Lovaina.


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Como Citar

Borras, A. (2021). Synodality as a Joint Elaboration of Decisions: Breaking the Deadlock of the votum tantum consultivum. Teología, 58(135), 93–112.


