The Separation of Powers in the Thirteenth Century An Approach to the Political Concept in the Tractatus de regia potestate et papali of John Quidort of Paris


  • Emiliano Primiterra Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología



Separación de Poderes, Poder real, Sociabilidad, Políticidad, Juan de Paris


The work of John Quidort of París has a great influence by Tomás Aquinas and Cicero. However the proposals on the nature of the political power in these philosophers are different in some respects. In the present paper I will demonstrate the influences of both authors which help the quidort theory, not without-first-determining the dif- ferences and personal thesis of John of París at the first moment when the Parisian philosopher thinks the separation of powers' thesis at 13th century.


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Como Citar

Primiterra, E. (2021). The Separation of Powers in the Thirteenth Century An Approach to the Political Concept in the Tractatus de regia potestate et papali of John Quidort of Paris. Teología, 58(135), 163–182.


