Voices beyond the words. Approaches to the use of the voice in two acousmatic pieces by Ricardo de Armas
listening, voice, acousmatic, gesturesAbstract
The possibility of evocation that music or the voice have without the use of words appears in the instances of creation, interpretation and listening which interests theorists such as Abbate, Neubauer, Wishart and Smalley among others and composers of different genres. Corporality, forms of enunciation and vocal expressiveness are part of a favorable terrain to delve into the ambiguity and mutability of music, abstractions that awaken the listener's imagination and give rise to the crossing of other voices already present in the composition. In Martirena 100dB (radio art) and in De simulacros y exageraciones (experimental music) by the Argentine composer Ricardo de Armas, we find elements that allow us to deepen the presence of these voices within the framework of acousmatic music.
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