The Adjectival and Verbal Forces at Play in Present and Past Participles: A Cross-Linguistic Approach


  • Rocío Cantorna Universidad Católica Argentina

Palabras clave:

present participles, past participles, full adjectival force, verbal force, Spanish participles, cross-linguistic approach


This paper explores the split nature of participles, which may show verbal or adjectival forces depending on the particular context in which they appear. It briefly refers to some problems of categorization affecting participles and points out certain ways in which participles with full adjectival force can be distinguished from those with verbal force as well as some of the limitations to the proposed tests. Moreover, it uses a cross-linguistic approach, resorting to translation into Spanish as a tool for the identification of participles with full adjectival force.



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Biografía del autor/a

Rocío Cantorna, Universidad Católica Argentina

Rocío Cantorna Blanco is a Sworn Translator graduated from Universidad Católica Argentina and a student of International Spanish Copy Editing and Proofreading at Fundación LITTERAE. She currently works as a freelance translator and as an English professor at Universidad Católica Argentina.





Cómo citar

Cantorna, R. (2022). The Adjectival and Verbal Forces at Play in Present and Past Participles: A Cross-Linguistic Approach. Bridging Cultures, (7), 30–46. Recuperado a partir de


