Economic Life and Morality: Thomas Aquinas, Petrus Iohannis Olivi and the Role of Merchants in Society


  • Alvaro Perpere Viñuales Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina




In reviewing the ideas and thoughts made by Thomas Aquinas and Petrus Iohannis Olivi on the relationship between ethics and economic life, one of the preponderant topics is the discussion on the morality of merchants' activity. The article tries to study the contrast between both authors’ visions with respect to the moral valuation of the purchase and sale of objects and, above all, the rational assumptions and the moral obligations they deduce from it. Secondly, it seeks to show the different views that Thomas Aquinas and Petrus Iohannis Olivi have on the impact of this activity on the social and economic life of the community. Finally, the influence they might have had on later authors is briefly sketched.


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How to Cite

Perpere Viñuales, A. (2018). Economic Life and Morality: Thomas Aquinas, Petrus Iohannis Olivi and the Role of Merchants in Society. Cultura Económica, 35(94), 138–151. Retrieved from