The Mexican academic scholastic of 16th century: economic environment


  • Cecilia Díaz Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina




 Cecilia Díaz describes the shaping of academic Theology and Law of the XVI century in Mexico, and reveals how that university atmosphere influenced the formulation of economic principles that were very important in the later economic theory. Indian Economics was developed in América as a result of three philosophical-economical schools: the late Scholasticism, Mercantilism and the Classical School, with the predominance of the first. Salamanca, cradle of the second Scholasticism, was the institutional model of the Indian Economics that irradiated regulations that contributed to the social and cultural maturing of America. Díaz demonstrates, with historical foundations, the Schumpeterian thesis that postulates that the late Scholastics have been the founders of scientific Economy, and that a considerable part of the XIX century economy could have been developed from these bases in an easier way and with less effort than what it actually entailed.


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How to Cite

Díaz, C. (2019). The Mexican academic scholastic of 16th century: economic environment. Cultura Económica, 29(80), 54–64. Retrieved from