Argentina: 100 Years in Figures


  • Orlando Ferreres




The article draws a historical path that shows the abuse of national politics throughout the last eighty years based on the figures of Argentine economy. First, the author exposes the protectionist policies adopted in the first decades of the twentieth century. Then, he shows the facts that led to the demonetization of economy, as well as to the development of the Entrepreneur State. After that, the article presents the measures taken by the government that caused the loss of institutional stability in our country. Finally, the author presents ten black holes in Argentine economy that, according to his opinion, restrained our nation’s progress, and proposes to analyze history from this perspective to avoid falling into our past’s mistakes.


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How to Cite

Ferreres, O. (2019). Argentina: 100 Years in Figures. Cultura Económica, 28(79), 67–74. Retrieved from