Towards the Paradigm of Gift


  • Carlos Hoevel Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


gift, objectivism, personalism, creationism, market


The author presents two approaches to interpret gift-relations in market environments proposed in the Encyclical. On the one hand, he explains the assumptions of “social objectivism” such as the equivalence principle, non-tuism, predictability and opacity, supported by neoclassicals, structuralists and deconstructionists. On the other hand, the article also presents arguments for a “creationist-personalist” approach to the gift, supported by personalist philosophers and by
contemporary economists, based on openness to the other, free agency and relationality.


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How to Cite

Hoevel, C. (2019). Towards the Paradigm of Gift. Cultura Económica, 27(75-76), 83–96. Retrieved from